Friday, April 3, 2009

4/3: May Special Election & a Documentary on the Financial Crisis

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6 pm: League endorsements for the May election - Pssst! Did you know we're having a special election on May 17th? The League got down to business and researched the six sorry statewide propositions on the ballot. Some folks from our research team will tell you all about it.

7 pm: New Documentary on the Financial Crisis - Donald Goldmacher, the Producer of the new documentary Heist tells the story of how Wall Street orchestrated the greatest theft in history -- the robbery of Americans’ prosperity, savings, and retirement security. Watch the trailer at Or read this Huffington Post article by the narrator about the problem with the Geithner/Summers plan.

We'll also be discussing tomorrow's Cesar Chavez Festival and Parade and have updates on the tragic and ever-fascinating Ed Jew saga etc.

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