Friday, April 17, 2009

4/17: Battle for the Golden Gate Board, Pirates, & Reverend Billy

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6 pm: League endorsements for the May election
6pm: Hope Johnson from talking about the Board of Supervisors' nomination for the Golden Gate Bridge board.
7pm: Chloe from on What the hood could learn from the Somali Pirates.
7:30pm: Reverend Billy and the his campaign for Mayor of New York City.

Playlist (Artist - Song - Album)
Minutemen - Working Men Are Pissed
Dan Reeder - Work Song - Dan Reeder
Melvins - The Kicking Machine - Nude with Boots
The Bar Feeders - Lotto Beach ATM - Vomitorium
Totimoshi - Viva Zapata - Ladron
K'naan - Somalia
Sean Hayes - Rattlesnake Charm - Alabama Chicken
Bob Dylan - Fixin to Die - Bob Dylan
Heavy Trash - That Ain't Right - Going Way Out with Heavy Trash
Clinton Sparks - Hater Bug - Maybe You Been Brainwashed

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