Friday, February 5, 2010

Pissed Off Radio 2/5/10

Don't listen to us tonight on League of Pissed Off Voters Radio 6-8pm!

Instead, join us at the SF Board of Supervisors Haiti Relief Fundraiser where we'll do a live, on-site broadcast! . . . and then listen to all the great interviews we'll be doing later on podcast!

Board of Supervisors Haiti Relief Fundraiser
Friday, February 5
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Rickshaw Stop
155 Fell Street
San Francisco

Enjoy live music, fabulous drinks, and hear from the Haiti Action Committee about what is happening on the ground. We will have a silent auction and refreshments! All proceeds will benefit the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund.

Suggested donation: $20.00 - Bring your checkbook!! If you cannot make it, please visit to donate!

This is an ALL-ages event. For more information, call 415-554-6975.

Three ways to listen to the show:
- In Person: Rickshaw Stop (see event info).
- iTunes Radio: Click on the "radio" link in iTunes, expand the "Alternative" tab, and scroll down to Pirate Cat Radio.
- Streaming Online: at
- Podcast: Download podcasts of the last five shows at

No, you can't listen on 87.9 FM in SF because the FCC saw fit to fine us $10K for serving up commercial free, community-based radio.

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