Friday, October 2, 2009

10/2: Peak Oil, Alemany Farm, voter guide report, more!

1ST HOUR: Peak Oil Task Force and Alemany Farm - We'll be joined by Jason Mark, farmer/writer/activist and member of the San Francisco Peak Oil Preparedness Task Force. We'll discuss the recent report issued by the task force and what's happening at Alemany Farm where he is the co-manager and where their mission is to "boost food security in low-income communities, provide environmental education to children and adults, and grow green jobs." Jason is also editor of the Earth Island Journal and was recently featured as one of Mother Nature Network's 40 Farmers Under 40.

2ND HOUR: November 2009 Endorsements: Who puts out the best voter guide in San Francisco election after election? The League. That's who. And though the ever-trusty guide has not yet gone to print, the official endorsements (or lack of endorsements) are in, and you may well be surprised by some of the final decisions. So get the full report and the full explanations tonight so you know how to vote this November! League member and School Board VP, Jane Kim will join us.

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