Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11: Jennifer Jajeh hearts Hamas, post-apocalyptic zines, and more

1ST HOUR: SF Actor/Writer Jennifer Jajeh - Jennifer will tell us all about her solo tragicomic play with the provocative title, "I Heart Hamas and Other Things I'm Afraid To Tell You" about her experiences growing up Palestian-American and her time living in occupied Ramallah during the second Intifada. The show opens next Thursday and runs through Oct. 24th. Don't miss it!

2ND HOUR: Lots to talk about - At the same time as our show tonight in the Pirate Cat Cafe will be the launch party for "Aftermath," a new post-apocalyptic print zine. We'll talk with the creators. We've also gots to talk about that shocking hit piece/cover story on our esteemed mayor in this week's SF Weekly! Wow, did you read that thing?! And we may have a few burners stop by to tell us what we missed (or avoided) on the Playa this year. Call in with your stories!

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