Friday, August 14, 2009

8/14: Netroots Nation, San Pancho Art Collective & Chevron protests

1ST HOUR: Live report from Net Roots Nation. Our new intern, Raquel Castellanos, will tell what's up at the annual progressive blogger summit in Pittsburgh, PA. She'll be joined by Barry Kendall, the Executive Director of the Commonweal Institute, a progressive think tank based in San Francisco.
We'll also hear from the recently-formed San Pancho Art Collective who brought you that brilliant new mural outside Mission Pie!

2ND HOUR: Chevron: Global Criminal. Ananda Lee Tan from the Mobilization for Climate Justice will give us the scoop on a major march and protest for clean air and justice in Richmond tomorrow and some background on Chevron's long history of misdeeds in Richmond and around the world.

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