Friday, May 29, 2009

5/29: SF Tenants Union, How to save California, Prop h8

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1st hour: Renters Economic Relief Package - Ted Gullickson, director of the San Francisco Tenants Union, will break down the new legislative package being carried by Chris Daly that is intended to bring relief to tenants struggling in today's economy. We'll take caller's questions and no doubt hit upon lots of other current tenant issues.

2nd hour: California Makeover and Prop h8 -
The Economist says California is the "ungovernable state." The SF Bay Guardian says our state needs an "extreme makeover" to save it from complete collapse. SFBG reporter Rebecca Bowe will share some of the wisdom from her and Tim Remond's epic piece from this week's Guardian.

Kip Ruckus Williams of One Struggle One Fight will talk about what we need to do next now that the California Supreme Court has upheld the ban on same sex marriages in California.

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