Friday, March 20, 2009

3/20: Joe Lynn on the Ethics Commission & the LGBT March to Sacramento

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6pm: Joe Lynn on the Ethics Commission - Former Ethics Commissioner Joe Lynn talks to us about how what's wrong with the San Francisco Ethics Commission, how lobbyists and politicians exploit loopholes in the law, and what can be done to close the loopholes. Check out his Guardian editorial about reforming the ethics enforcement division, and this open letter about reforming rules for lobbyists.

7pm: Kip Williams on the LGBT March to Sacramento - Kip Williams from One Struggle One Fight talks to us about their civil rights march from San Francisco to Sacramento. They're marching for the repeal of Proposition 8, but they're also working to connect the marriage rights movement to other issues of discrimination like immigration, health care, and employment.

Join them for a kick-off rally next Tuesday, March 24th at City Hall at 12:30. Speakers will include:
- Cleve Jones, friend of Harvey Milk and long time LGBT activist
- Andrea Shorter, the Director of And Marriage for All
- Biko Baker, a hip-hop activist and Executive Director of the League of Young Voters.

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