Friday, February 20, 2009

2/20: Public Campaign Financing & Bay to Breakers

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6 pm: public campaign financing
- What is it? Why do we need it? What's the latest in SF, CA, and the USA? Our guest Rob Arnow and Moira Brennan will tell us what's going on.
7 pm: Bay to Breakers - The race organizers announced a zero tolerance policy for 2009. Facebook went bonkers. Supervisor Mirkarimi held a press conference yesterday to propose a middle ground. Now the organizers are saying maybe we can work something out. WTF's going on? WTF is up with the war on fun in San Francisco? We'll talk about it.
Asshole of the Week: Diane Feinstein - For attempting to de-charter the Harvey Milk Democratic Club at last week's Democratic County Central Committee (DCCC) meeting. Hope Johnson called in to talk about her article about this. And DCCC members, Debra Walker and Michael Goldstein, joined us in the studio to tell us about how the progressives on the DCCC put the beatdown on Diane's attempted power grab.

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